Anita Lopez is completing her bachelor of Policing degree with the School of Social sciences and psychology. She is currently working with children in after school care for Camp Australia, however her main ambition is to become a police officer.  Bachelor of Policing course has provided Anita with a fundamental skill set that is desirable within the police force, showcasing her understanding on society and their significance to police relationships. Focusing specifically on becoming a police prosecutor, her study and research has lead to developed and fundamental skills acquired. Her understandings from the course allow her to excel in when in the police force, and provide her with experience through her knowledge gained.

Crucial skills acquired from the degree include, understanding and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the different measures of social change. Obtaining a critical understanding of duty of care towards both victims and offenders, more specifically articulating an appropriate understanding of caution, arrest, and use of force, custody and offender management. Being able to articulate the nature of reliable and unreliable evidence, and the role of the courts in applying provisions of the Evidence Act in determining admissibility of evidence gathered in an investigation, is also skill she has learned to acquire. She hopes to join the police force and contribute her knowledge and skills learnt from the course, as well as continue to develop and sustain new skills to further her knowledge, through practical experience.